A thoroughly digital culture and societal structure immersed in
communication networks will differ significantly from the ones we have been
used to. This transformation will be crucially about merging of
the public and the private.
In the pre-industrial society the spheres of the public and the private were not as strictly separate as they now are. Industrialization divided the society into the two distinct realms. The
public sphere became the space for production, commerce and political
discourse, characterized by goal-oriented rationality, impersonality and protestant ethic.
Private relationships, emotions, leisure activities and consumption - driven by romantic ethic - were
limited within the private sphere.
Throughout the eras of the modern industrial and postmodern information society
a central concern and a theme of social criticism was the spreading of
rational, impersonal and “cold” features of the public sphere to the private. Furthermore, institutions of modern/postmodern society were unable to provide for the meaning of life. Many
of the problems of these eras’ were linked to alienation and rootlessnes.
In the ubiquitous digital society this phenomenon can turn upside down: private
sphere invades the public. Public activities, including work and
political discourse are once again becoming a realm for self-expression,
subjective experiences and personal relationships. We may finally be able to reclaim the meaningfullnes we have lost. This transformation is happening mainly due to the
transformations in the communication system caused by the internet.
Before the internet and the massive spread of its applications and
platforms, people’s subjective experiences and feelings, personal
relationships, and inner-motivated activities were left to themselves. Publishing
or commercializing of the products of personal activities was too costly in
money, time and effort. Now, with the aid offered by the internet and social
media, citizens are able to publish their self-produced contents
and receive other people’s publications – and in general acquire free contents
rising from the ethos of the private. In the near future this trend will
spread to material production as well – thanks to digital
manufacturing technologies such as 3D printers and laser cutters. By the legitimacy provided by publicity, self-expression and subjectively meaningful experiences and relationships will become indistinguishable and even dominant parts of our culture and economy, of our ways to value the world around us and to act in it.
In the environment of networked, zero-cost communication, formation of communities and networks around common interests and values is effortless. Connections between people and the volume of
social interaction will increase significantly, and become crucial factors in production. Vivid and abundant communication will tear down the conventional boundaries between the private and the public, of
e.g. between work and leisure, furthermore. We will be motivated by autonomy as well as the ethos of sharing – they promote and enhance each other.
Discussions around the ubiquitous digital society often concentrate on technology. Technology is a mere enabler, though. The real changes are cultural. We are moving away from technology-driven information society to people-driven meanings society. The “public private sphere” will change societies radically, down to their roots.
Discussions around the ubiquitous digital society often concentrate on technology. Technology is a mere enabler, though. The real changes are cultural. We are moving away from technology-driven information society to people-driven meanings society. The “public private sphere” will change societies radically, down to their roots.